India First Party

India’s First Hyper-Transparent Tech-Driven Political Party


Our Goals


Attention please...

Let's Make India First

India’s First Hyper-Transparent
Tech-Driven Political Party
IFP was born out of frustration and disappointment with the divisive and inefficient politics that have plagued our nation for far too long. We were tired of seeing political parties pitting people against each other based on religion, caste, language, sex, region, and place of birth, all for the sake of gaining a vote bank. We were tired of seeing our leaders prioritize their own interests over those of the nation. We were tired of seeing India not tapping its potential and gaining its rightful place as world’s number one country in economy, militarily and other important metrics.

But we refused to accept this as our fate. We know that India has the potential to be a world leader, and we are determined to make it happen. And so, started the India First Party – a hyper transparent, tech-driven political party with one goal in mind: to make India number one in the world.

We believe that transparency is key to good governance, and we are committed to being a party that is open and accountable to the people with 24*7 communication. We also believe that technology can play a transformative role in driving progress and development, and we will leverage it to the fullest extent utilizing India’s strong talent pool.

Our party is made up of people from all walks of life – from farmers to engineers, from business leaders to activists. We come from different backgrounds and regions, but we are united by our love for India and our determination to see it succeed. We are not here to divide people or play vote bank politics. We are here to bring people together and work towards a common goal of making India First in the world.
Party Location

2415 Gordon St, New Orleans LA 70123


Suspendisse potenti. Vivamus vitae condimentum risus. Aliquam efficitur lobortis erat, sed sagittis augue bibendum sed. Vivamus at tristique velit. Phasellus ornare bibendum ligula a eleifend. Nunc ullamcorper, velit vel fringilla tempor, nibh augue scelerisque ex, dapibus elementum.

Attention please...

! Not your Classic Halloween party !

Ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit

Etiam mauris risus, volutpat ac eros accumsan, iaculis lacinia ex. Vivamus in ligula risus. Morbi efficitur elit metus

Nunc suscipit risus eu facilisis mattis. Proin mollis varius aliquet. Cras eros augue, commodo nec orci sed, tincidunt ultrices dolor. Nunc tincidunt est eu orci faucibus, eu sollicitudin enim viverra. Phasellus finibus urna non felis posuere, eget scelerisque est volutpat. Curabitur eleifend diam in pellentesque pulvinar. Proin maximus erat sit amet urna tempor bibendum. Duis scelerisque nisl sapien, eu faucibus ipsum vulputate sed. Cras erat ligula, efficitur vitae faucibus sed, finibus non sem. Suspendisse scelerisque metus nec gravida fermentum. Praesent magna nunc, varius vel placerat vitae, fringilla ut mauris. Sed fermentum dolor vel nisi tempus tincidunt. In eu mollis libero. Phasellus id sollicitudin nisl. Suspendisse quis scelerisque ipsum, non vestibulum neque.

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India First Party

India’s First Hyper-Transparent Tech-Driven Political Party


Join our journey

Be the change you want to see

Our Goals


Attention please...

Let's Make India First

India’s First Hyper-Transparent
Tech-Driven Political Party
IFP was born out of frustration and disappointment with the divisive and inefficient politics that have plagued our nation for far too long. We were tired of seeing political parties pitting people against each other based on religion, caste, language, sex, region, and place of birth, all for the sake of gaining a vote bank. We were tired of seeing our leaders prioritize their own interests over those of the nation. We were tired of seeing India not tapping its potential and gaining its rightful place as world’s number one country in economy, militarily and other important metrics.

But we refused to accept this as our fate. We know that India has the potential to be a world leader, and we are determined to make it happen. And so, started the India First Party – a hyper transparent, tech-driven political party with one goal in mind: to make India number one in the world.

We believe that transparency is key to good governance, and we are committed to being a party that is open and accountable to the people with 24*7 communication. We also believe that technology can play a transformative role in driving progress and development, and we will leverage it to the fullest extent utilizing India’s strong talent pool.

Our party is made up of people from all walks of life – from farmers to engineers, from business leaders to activists. We come from different backgrounds and regions, but we are united by our love for India and our determination to see it succeed. We are not here to divide people or play vote bank politics. We are here to bring people together and work towards a common goal of making India First in the world.

Subscribe To our Newsletter

India’s First Hyper-Transparent Tech-Driven Political Party