Dear Fellow Indian,

We stand at a crossroads. Our great INDIA has the potential to be a global leader, but we have been held back by divisions, petty politics and outdated ways of thinking. It is time for us to come together, to set aside our differences and work towards a common goal - to make INDIA the number one country in the world, economically, militarily and technologically.

The India First Party is here to lead the way. We are the first technology-driven & hyper transparent political party in India, and we believe that technology is the key to unlocking our potential. We believe in using technology and transparency to connect people and foster progress. We are committed to making India a better place for all of its citizens, regardless of their background and execute our Citizen 360 Model to work towards solving their problems and providing 24*7 availability to all Indians.

But we cannot do it alone. We need your support and your vote in the upcoming elections. We need you to be a part of history, to be a part of the change that will make propel India as the number one country in the world with a technology driven political party

This is not just about choosing a political party. This is about choosing a vision for our country. A vision where we are all truly Indians, united in our goal of making India First in the world.

We ask you to join us on this journey. Together, we can create a brighter future! Let’s Advance India, Advance Indians - India First, Indians First.

Jai Hind.


President - India First Party


We, the India First Party, are proud to present to you our manifesto, outlining our vision and plans for making India the number one country in the world, economically and militarily. We understand that this is a bold goal, but we are confident in our ability to achieve it with the support of the people of India.

As the first technology-driven hyper transparent political party in India, we have the skills and expertise to implement the plans outlined in our manifesto. We are committed to using technology to connect people and foster progress, and to being hyper transparent in our actions and decisions.

We understand that achieving this goal will not be easy, but we are ready to work hard to make it happen. We ask for your support and your vote in the upcoming elections. Give us the opportunity to lead India towards a brighter future, where we are truly the number one country in the world.

How we work

  • We operate by continuously improving the processes, eliminating waste, and focusing on citizen needs. (Toyota Production System)
  • We in believe in allocating the right person for the right job
  • We are not competing with anyone, IFP’s aim is to make India First in the world
  • Employee training and development, we want to foster a culture of continuous learning and improvement.
  • We believe that religion is a personal relationship of citizens with their god, we only want to focus on making India First in all global rankings in different subjects
  • We believe that by aligning Indian towards becoming number one in the world in all fields we unite the country and by achieving the goal of India First we will solve all our problems


The India First Party is committed to making India a global economic powerhouse. We believe that India can again become a ‘Sone Ki Chidiya’, a major player on the world stage, and we are determined to make it happen.

Our goal is to bring India’s GDP to 25% of the world’s total. We will work to create an environment that is conducive to business and investment, and we will implement policies that support the growth of key industries and sectors.

  1. India 25% of the world’s GDP
  • Hand holding small firms to grow into a big firm with training, education, guidance and critical support
  • Providing free of cost talent assessment tools, training and courses to all IndiansIncreasing expenditure on R&D and research on AI
  • Increasing expenditure on R&D and research on AI
  • Compulsory startup, business, financial classes in school
  • Compulsory startup, business, financial classes in school
  • Compulsory startup, business, financial classes in school

           – Most number of tourists coming to a country
           – Pharma exports
           – TeleMedicine
           – Teaching and training
           – IT Support, service and exports


The India First Party recognizes the power of sports to bring people together and foster a sense of national pride. We believe that investing in sports can help to create a more competitive and united India. By promoting sports and encouraging participation at all levels, we can help to build a stronger and more cohesive nation.

We also believe that sports can play a key role in promoting a healthy and active lifestyle for all Indians, and we will work to ensure that facilities and resources are readily available to everyone who wants to participate in sports.

Our party will work to ensure that India’s sports infrastructure is world-class and that our athletes have the support they need to excel on the global stage. We will also make sure that sports education is integrated into the schooling system to make sure that children have access to sports training and opportunities.

In addition, we will work towards promoting sports tourism as it brings a lot of revenue and employment to the country. We will work towards building world-class stadiums and facilities that can host international events and attract visitors from all over the world.

In short, sports will be a key focus for the India First Party as we believe it has the power to bring people together, promote a healthy and active lifestyle, and put India on the map as a world-class sports nation.

Goals :- 

  1. India must win the World Cup before 2060 in both men and women in football, hockey, basketball, cricket and other most played sports around the world.
  • Quality scouting for all sports across India at all levels and creating a pan India list of players from 5 years of age to 30 years with rating given by scouts and updated on half yearly basis.
  • Providing free of cost talent assessment tools, training and courses to all IndiansIncreasing expenditure on R&D and research on AI
  • Increasing expenditure on R&D and research on AI
  • Compulsory startup, business, financial classes in school
  • Compulsory startup, business, financial classes in school
  • Compulsory startup, business, financial classes in school

           – Most number of tourists coming to a country
           – Pharma exports
           – TeleMedicine
           – Teaching and training
           – IT Support, service and exports


  1. All Indians have access to home, uninterrupted water, electricity, internet, telemedicine, education and training, government services and roads with strong public transport.
  2. All roads across India must have a footpath, bicycle lane and proper road markings to enable the adoption of self driving cars.
  3. Animal bridges to prevent road accidents and uphold the culture of giving respect to animals. 
  4. Zero road accident deaths

      Energy Production and Consumption: 

  1. India is carbon neutral by adopting the following renewable energy mix:
    A. Hydroelectric power
    B. Solar Energy
    C. Wind Energy
    D. GeoThermal Energy
    E. Ocean Energy Techniques (Tidal, Ocean Thermal & Wave)
    F. Green Hydrogen
  2. Nuclear energy

Social Issues

  1. Malnutrition
  2. Zero female foeticide 
  3. End of discrimination based on sex, color, race, culture etc and a happy powerful identity of being a proud Indian
  4. Male – Female disbalance to be corrected by education, awareness, women empowerment and bringing all women into the economic realm.

World Peace

  1. India will continuously strive for peace while strengthening itself militarily to defend against its enemies. India needs to be militarily and technologically strong and be critical and ruthless to any problems to prevent the mistakes of the past. 
  2. Always support peace and take necessary actions in ensuring world peace exists around the world by:
    – Being a voice for the voiceless and connecting and forming strong partnerships with other countries to form a World Peace Organization. The failure and incapacity of UN requires peace loving countries to come together and work for peace around the world
    – Promoting human rights around the world and helping governments with their permission solve issues like poverty, malnutrition, instability etc
    – Promoting people to people contact with all countries.


  1. Note: We are continuously improving and fine tuning our manifesto. To add a problem or goal you want IFP to include,

    please contact us.

India’s First Hyper-Transparent Tech-Driven Political Party